Sidy Background: OBGYN Medical Doctor, Doctorate in General Medicine and Doctorate in Gynecology and Obstetrics from University of Sciences, Technical and Technology of Bamako, Mali Placement: Neurological Clinical Research Institute,
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Sidy Background: OBGYN Medical Doctor, Doctorate in General Medicine and Doctorate in Gynecology and Obstetrics from University of Sciences, Technical and Technology of Bamako, Mali Placement: Neurological Clinical Research Institute,
Frederick Background: Bachelors in Management, Public Administration in the Nonprofit Sector Placement: Research Operations, Sponsored Programs Administration, Boston Medical Center Learn more about the Fellowship HERE. Originally from Uganda, Frederick
Linet Background: Bachelor in Economics and Master in Project Planning and Management, University of Nairobi, Kenya Placement: Office of Research Administration (ORA), Harvard Medical School Learn more about the Fellowship
Foreign-educated immigrants search for meaningful work in the US Two of ABN’s 2024 Fellows, Kemberlie Adolphe and Frederick Rwaykaka, were spotlighted in a recent article from GBH News. The article
David Background: Doctorate in Medicine from Université de la Fondation Dr. Aristide Placement: Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research, Massachusetts General Hospital Learn more about the Fellowship HERE. David
Menvy Background: Doctorate in Medicine from Université de la Fondation Dr. Aristide Placement: Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research, Massachusetts General Hospital Learn more about the Fellowship HERE. Menvy
We envision a day when the skills of immigrant professionals are highly valued and they can use their past experiences to build their careers, support their families, and make meaningful contributions to our society.