African Bridge Network

Supporting Skilled Immigrants and Turning Potential Into Reality

We envision a day when the skills of immigrant professionals are highly valued, and they can use their past experiences to build their careers, support their families, and make meaningful contributions to our society.

Our Programs

We seek to reduce the level of brain waste in skilled immigrants by providing career development resources, a supportive community, professional networking opportunities, and job placement opportunities through our employer partnerships.

Orientation Workshop for Skilled Immigrants

This workshop is an opportunity for foreign-trained professionals to connect with professional mentors, social service providers, and community leaders.

Career Advising and Job Search

This program provides career development support to skilled immigrant professionals to enable them to build careers in Massachusetts.

Immigrant Professionals Fellowship

The Fellowship is a training and work-placement program targeting foreign-trained professionals for the finance, research, and healthcare fields.

Immigrant Professionals Mentoring Program

This program connects graduates and recent immigrant professionals with experienced professionals in their respective fields for professional and personal development.

Immigrant Professionals Networks

The Immigrant Professionals Network is designed to provide networking opportunities, professional development trainings, and support for both established and young immigrant professionals.

The Untapped Talent

This Consortium provides an opportunity for employers to collaboratively address the issues  and challenges faced by the foreign-born and BIPOC workforce.


Sidy Background: OBGYN Medical Doctor, Doctorate in General Medicine and Doctorate in Gynecology and Obstetrics from University of Sciences, Technical

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Frederick Background: Bachelors in Management, Public Administration in the Nonprofit Sector Placement: Research Operations, Sponsored Programs Administration, Boston Medical Center

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Linet Background: Bachelor in Economics and Master in Project Planning and Management, University of Nairobi, Kenya Placement: Office of Research

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Our Success Stories

Join Our Bridge Builders Club

Your contribution ensures skilled immigrants get the support they need to build their careers and lives and contribute to our society.